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Friday, October 10, 2014

Abandoned: The ferral cat epedemic

The economic downturn in the housing market and the subsequent action of people abandoning homes has also left a multitude of abandoned pets.

Some neighbor’s stripped everything from the home and sold it at a departing garage sale.  As they left, abandoning what was left of their property, to the mortgage company.  In time most of these properties have become eyesores to people that continues to struggle and keep their property looking presentable. 

In their haste to leave they were equally uncaring toward their pets.  The pets they also left behind.  The pets, that so loved their owners.  Apparently the love didn’t flow back the other way?  Not enough to provide for these animals anyway.

We have lived in our same neighborhood since 2000.  Until the past couple years there were never any strays showing up.  Recently there are multiples.  Those left behind, left on their own to find a safe place, food, and someone to love.

Those of us that still remain, and struggled to maintain, even though jobs went away, or as we watched all our years of equity trickle away.  We remain and have slowly been found by some of these lost animals that still have plenty of love to give.

We have 3 wonderful feline friends that have found us.  They are desperately in need of a new home.  We don't have the heart to take them to be put down.  If anyone out there in the Las Vegas area can open up their arms and home to one of these animals, please contact us through this Blogs email.

~Thank You!

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